
Reshaping pharmaceutical marketing: moment of truth

In this article I will try to highlight the disruptive acceleration in the field of pharmaceutical...

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Reshaping pharmaceutical marketing: the agony of production frequency

The best reflections emerge from reading and especially discussing with those who disagree but have...

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Reshaping pharmaceutical marketing: from doctors database to access map

The doctor database is only a company asset if it is qualified, correct, certified and above all...

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Pharma Multichannel in Italy? Let's start with the basics

Let's start with the basics: pharma multichannel has no unambiguous definition, it is true. But it...

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Reshaping pharmaceutical marketing, not using the heirloom box

Faced with the spread of the Sars-Cov-2 virus, the pharmaceutical industry is facing several...

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Reshaping pharmaceutical marketing: we don't need a bigger hammer

There are problems that have at their root the choices we have made to solve them.

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Reshaping pharmaceutical marketing: 'one size fits all' is gone forever

The evolution of pharma marketing in Italy is forcing marketers to face new challenges in content...

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Reshaping pharmaceutical marketing: the Black Death and sunset starlings

An interesting scientific article on the collective behaviour of animals, i.e. on the coordinated...

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Reshaping pharmaceutical marketing: the patient in the crosshairs?

Let's be honest, the 'patient at the centre' transition has sometimes been misrepresented by some...

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Reshaping pharmaceutical marketing: read Istat and Censis and get it over with

The periodic report of Istat, to which I subscribe as a journalist, has recently been published....
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